Optimal thought and optimal fitness through reason, logic, science, passion, and wisdom.
The Virtue of Independence
The Virtue of Independence

The Virtue of Independence

The more I learn, the older I get, the more I see we need to find things out for ourselves. In a Jimmy Moore interview, Gary Taubes discusses how he was misrepresented by the media on the Dr. Oz show. Links to parts 2 and 3 can be found on Jimmy Moore’s Website. Related:  Dr. Eades dissects an ABC report on fat and diet. Given how people are, I say that things are the same with horses and horse nutrition, amongst vets and people.  False ideas get stuck in people’s heads, and influence us for the worse, damaging our health and fitness. And good ideas get ridiculed or misrepresented. Besides which, evolutionary medicine is a recent development; the idea has not had time to spread through science and society.

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