Optimal thought and optimal fitness through reason, logic, science, passion, and wisdom.
Gold Academy: Private and Corporate Training


Looking for academic excellence and rational education?

You can find me on Outschool. where I teach mathematics, physics, science, logic and thinking skills, SAT/ACT prep, fitness, sentence diagramming, philosophy, and more.

Sample classes:

Summer Geometry Preview/Review, Session 1

Summer Geometry Preview/Review, Session 2

Logic Essentials: How to Think Well

High School Geometry, Semester 1

High School Geometry, Semester 2

Sentence Diagramming Grammar Class, Session 1

Inquiring-mind Science: How Franklin Discovered Lightning Was Electricity

Inquiring-mind Science: How Did Kepler Discover Elliptical Orbits?

As I say in my Outschool bio:

I teach individual and group classes in math (arithmetic through calculus and statistics), physics, chemistry, nature study (“natural history”), SAT prep, ACT prep, grammar, writing, logic, thinking skills, and physical fitness.

Being a Scientist-Philosopher-Logician-Aesthete-Athlete Teacher and Fitness Trainer, I offer solid course content, but a lot more: concept understanding, thinking skills, logic, multi-disciplinary thinking, and practicality. About being “multidisciplinary” and “holistic,” I both walk the walk and talk the talk.

To paraphrase the great writer Victor Hugo, if I was merely teaching to the test, I’d break my pencil and throw it away. Education is not about making test-taking drones. Education is about helping children become the best adults and the most powerful, practical, happy life-loving thinkers they can be.

I can help you excel in an academic subject, but at the same time teach you ideas and techniques you can use in your future work and all through life. I seek to have students grasp, as thoroughly as they individually can — based on their age, interests and background — a subject, its concepts, its methods, its background, and the lessons we learn from it all.

How I teach varies by class, subject, and student, but I generally use a combination of lecture, interactive discussion, Q&A, and in-class work.

My background and qualifications are a BS in Mathematics and BA in Philosophy from the University of Texas at Austin (with the equivalent of a minor in Physics), and a Texas Teacher Certificate in Secondary Mathematics from the University of Houston. For 10 years I taught in schools in Houston, then, to be able to focus on and teach rational methods, started working on my own, which I have been doing for the past few decades.

In April 2018, I became a Certified Level One MovNat Fitness Instructor; in May 2019, I became a Certified Level Two MovNat Fitness Instructor (Recert 2021).

I have helped students bring their letter grades up two or three letters, have helped students get A+s in math and science, have helped students get As on essays, have helped students bring ACT scores up 5-7 points and SAT scores up 200-300 or more points, and have helped students function better in athletics and in everyday life.

Interests and hobbies include science, the history of science, the philosophy of science, foraging and botany, wildlife tracking (for study) and zoology, posting pictures on iNaturalist, making nature videos to post on YouTube, biology, ecology, dogs, cats, horses, old movies, exercising, spending time in the outdoors, fitness training in the outdoors, cooking, eating, and sleeping.