Optimal thought and optimal fitness through reason, logic, science, passion, and wisdom.
Ecological Observations 11-8-2016: an Exercise in Reasoning
Ecological Observations 11-8-2016: an Exercise in Reasoning

Ecological Observations 11-8-2016: an Exercise in Reasoning

A video for homeschoolers, for those studying biology or ecology who do not have much access to the outdoors, for those living in different parts of the country, for those who want to improve their ability to reason and do science, and anyone else interested.

When watching the video, make detailed observations of the plant life: colors, shapes, geometries; and identify relationships amongst them: locations, relative heights, “layering” of vegetation vertically.

Stop or rewind the video, if you want to.

Think about relationships amongst the plants, and think about causal relationships amongst them, amongst them and animals, amongst them and the physical environment. Just do whatever you can take in and think of.

You could look up weather conditions in Houston, TX, to get more information, and try to estimate the pH level of the soil by seeing what pH the vegetation in the area prefers.

Good thinking!


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