Optimal thought and optimal fitness through reason, logic, science, passion, and wisdom.

To Move Is Human

In our culture, too many of us have sadly gotten too far away some essentials of living a proper human, species-appropriate life.  As a result, many live in a state of dysfunction. They are not thriving, healthy, and at optimum function.

In “Exercise Is a Top Prescription for Mild Cognitive Impairment” (Psychology Today, December 27, 2017), Christopher Bergland writes:
MCI is an intermediate stage of cognitive decline that is less serious than the declines associated with dementia. People with MCI demonstrate some cognitive impairment but have minimal impairment of instrumental activities of daily living (IADL). Symptoms of mild cognitive impairment include problems with memory, language, overall thinking, and judgment that tend to be more severe than typical age-related changes in cognition.

The most significant takeaway of these new guidelines is that six-month studies showed twice-weekly workouts could help people with mild cognitive impairment as part of an overall approach to managing their symptoms. Notably, the new MCI guidelines do not recommend the use of medication. Instead, the latest recommendation is for health care practitioners to prescribe aerobic exercise to improve both thinking and memory of MCI patients.

The authors summarize their findings in the study abstract: “No high-quality evidence exists to support pharmacologic treatments for MCI. In patients with MCI, exercise training (6 months) is likely to improve cognitive measures and cognitive training may improve cognitive measures.”

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As this article — among many other pieces of evidence — says, we need to move like the human animals that we are.

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