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Explore the Science of Cooking
Explore the Science of Cooking

Explore the Science of Cooking

The Exploratorium has an “Accidental Scientist: Science of Cooking” feature that might have some good information — I have not yet checked it out. The Science of Cooking looks like a better Website — but, again, that’s “looks.” And then there’s Cooking for Engineers (TM). That’s gotta be cool! 🙂 There are also a number of books out there about the science of cooking, such as Peter Barham’s The Science of Cooking. Nothing special about it, as far as I know; it simply came up first in my Google search. I love the science cooking — it’s the thing that got me interested in cooking in the first place. Caveat: These sites might discuss, agree with, and recommend eating grains and sugar — but I disagree strongly with any recommendation to eat grains and sugar; they are not good for us, causing scientifically demonstrable long-term damage.

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