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That 1895 Salina, Kansas Exam
That 1895 Salina, Kansas Exam

That 1895 Salina, Kansas Exam

Someone has posted their answers to the exam. Nice. An example answer:
9. Use the following correctly in sentences, Cite, site, sight, fane, fain, feign, vane, vain, vein, raze, raise, rays. •    a.) The cite which was given as a source for the quote was incorrect. •    b.) The site was surveyed yesterday. •    c.) My rifle has a front and a rear sight. •    d.) We celebrated the re-birth at fane. •    f.) She would fain stay with her husband. •    g.) Can she feign surprise and excitement? •    h.) The vanes on the windmill are broken. •    i.) It is vain to think you are better than others. •    j.) Mother has a varicose vein in her leg. •    k.) Tomorrow they will raze the old barn. •    l.) Today they started to raise a new barn. •    m.) The rays of the sun feel good in the spring.
HT: Patrick D.

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