Optimal thought and optimal fitness through reason, logic, science, passion, and wisdom.
Take Two: Another Homeschooling and Self-Education “Blog Carnival”
Take Two: Another Homeschooling and Self-Education “Blog Carnival”

Take Two: Another Homeschooling and Self-Education “Blog Carnival”

Hot on the heals of yesterday’s carnival comes — whether you’ve caught up on your reading from yesterday or not — the Carnival of Homeschooling, The Teal Edition. But…no more carnivals for a week or two…so relax, have some coffee, enjoy, savor, and read with reasoning so you take it all in, and take it in well. The Carnival of Homeschooling contains…well, lots of stuff. Homeschoolers all over the place are talking about their personal experiences and their personal interests from their own perspectives. Find what you like and agree with, and enjoy!

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