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A Homeschooling and Self-Education “Blog Carnival”
A Homeschooling and Self-Education “Blog Carnival”

A Homeschooling and Self-Education “Blog Carnival”

If you homeschool your children, educate your self, or enrich your children’s schooling, you might find some useful information and good reading at today’s “Homeschool Showcase” (which used to be called “The Carnival of Cool Homeschoolers) at the blog Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers. (Ha!! What a perfect name!! I love the irony of it!! It reminds me of a video I saw recently that poked fun at the “anti-social” meme.) Kris, the blog owner, has a quote on her site saying:
“Hillary Clinton says it takes a village to raise a child. I’ve seen the village; and I don’t want it raising my child.” – unknown
Nice. 🙂 The categories of today’s showcase include art, science, study skills, history, “mom, I’m bored,” news and travel, and language. Kris says, in study skills, that someone wrote a blog post on how memory works, someone wrote on six tips to succeed in school/education, and someone else wrote on teaching test-taking skills. In “mom, I’m bored,” Kris says some bloggers wrote on ways to keep children entertained during the winter or on a rainy day. In language, people wrote on learning to speed read, learning adverbs, and learning Spanish connectives. In news and travel, people have written on malicious reporting against homeschooling, the none-issue of “socialization,” and tips for making travel and vacationing cheaper. In the art category, Kris writes:
Amida showcases her children’s fabulous artwork in her post, Journey Into Unschooling: November Art Gallery. Not only does she feature many of her kids’ works of art, but she also includes their narratives of their techniques, their thoughts about each painting and their opinions of each particular style or technique. Be sure to visit the art gallery at Journey Into Unschooling. Admission is free, but the art is priceless. Thomas J. West of Thomas J. West Music says, “Many students of music go through their entire career as a member of a public school music ensemble and never achieve true independence of ability on their instrument. They can only play their part if someone else is playing along with them, and even then there are still parts of the music that they have to either leave out or water down. Can an average music student ever develop true mastery?”
I have not checked any of this out yet — too early in the day! I’m just getting started! — but the carnival looks like it has some interesting reading. Enjoy! 🙂

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