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Robb Wolf on Health & Nutrition
Robb Wolf on Health & Nutrition

Robb Wolf on Health & Nutrition

Rational Public Radio has a nice interview of Robb Wolf. Some good points are around -33 minutes, around -28 minutes, around -25 minutes, and around -23 minutes. Highly recommended. They describe the interview as:
We caught up with fitness guru Robb Wolf to talk about America’s weight problem. In addition to writing the bestselling book “The Paleo Solution” he is also the co-host of the “Paleo Solution” podcast. He explains why government lies are to blame for the obesity epidemic. It turns out that following the government sponsored “food pyramid” is just about the worst thing you can do. Next, Robb clues us in on what a healthy diet actually looks like. The answer is pretty shocking, it’s almost diametrically opposite to the conventional wisdom. ©2011 RationalPublicRadio.com

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