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Physics Fail, Reprise
Physics Fail, Reprise

Physics Fail, Reprise

Groan. So much physics is taught without giving content and examples to the concepts. It pains me. It hurts seeing how students suffer from this; it gives me joy to help them grasp what is going on.

Concepts are organizations of concretes (examples, individual things, illustrations) and are meaningless without them.

But words in physics are used like names of powers and people in make-believe games. They are empty of real content.

No wonder so many students are confused. Makes me wonder about how some teachers hold concepts of physics in their head.

But they need a better epistemology, which is not an easy thing to acquire or figure out. It’s one of the most abstract subjects there are.

I sure could not figure out much of it on my own!! No way. I’m not a genius.

We need more books and teachers who have a grasp of the subject as is found in Introductory Physics by Herbert Priestely, Physics for the Inquiring Mind by Eric Rogers, and Galileo and Einstein by Michael Fowler.

Thank goodness I studied philosophy and the history of science, or I’d be lost and adrift.

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