Optimal thought and optimal fitness through reason, logic, science, passion, and wisdom.
Failing the Facebook Challenges About the Order of Operations? Get In Long Arguments About It?
Failing the Facebook Challenges About the Order of Operations? Get In Long Arguments About It?

Failing the Facebook Challenges About the Order of Operations? Get In Long Arguments About It?

Want to get it right and win? Want to understand it?

An order of operations worksheet I made up for a kid I tutor (6th grade) might help. I’ll have to make up a lower-level, easier one, too, but this is a start for you.

I have some brief explanations (need to use them to work out more examples and maybe explain them a little in some videos; I talked more about it while working with the student; did not put it all in the worksheet)  of some of the order of operations that should help — explanations you will not get in most schools, or in Kuman, Sylvan, or Huntington. But do I need to say “or?” The latter often cater to the former; they do not have a great, original pedagogy. They do the same old things: Platonism or Pragmatism. Common Core. My Plate. My Math. They have some “success” because a bad philosophy still has to deal with the real world — and some of their “success” is merely “success” in school. Education should be about training and preparing a child for adult life, training and preparing them to be the best they can be and to face circumstances with the best tools available.  I wish they were better!!! Wow, we’d have a better, more innovative, more rational (unifying the intellectual and the practical) culture!! But, unfortunately, they are not and we don’t. And unfortunately, they are all we got. We have to make the best with what is there, until we can make the best. 

I’ll make some videos on order of operations in the future, too.

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