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Wilderness First Aid
Wilderness First Aid

Wilderness First Aid

One of our teachers, Michael, passed the Wilderness First Aid class he took this past weekend!

The Wilderness First Aid course that he took this past weekend is a good introductory course: you learn how to treat broken bones, broken spine, head injuries, hypothermia, altitude illness, wounds, bleeding, burns, lightning strikes, insect/spider/snake bites, stroke, shock, heart attack, heat-related illness, allergies, submersion incidents, drowning, sprains, strains, punctures. And a few other things. You go over some basic anatomy and physiology. You learn how to assess an injured person.  

To pass the class, you must take an 80-question written test. Hackett does a good job, so he makes sure you are prepared to pass.

Michael learned a lot in the course — but it is a lot to learn and retain. He knows he will have to keep reviewing, practicing, and learning. In the future, he’d like to take the course again and take the 60-hour Wilderness First Responder course.

The instructor was Jan Hackett. In the course, Hackett does some lecture and some hands-on learning. He has a lot of outdoor experience, and has done lots of Wilderness First Aid/First Responder stuff in his lifetime.

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