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The Little Golden Books
The Little Golden Books

The Little Golden Books

A post on the Core Knowledge blog, “Where Have You Gone, Poky Little Puppy?,” reminded me of this series of childrens’ books — i.e., of the Little Golden Books. I read some of the books as a child, but I don’t recall which ones. I’ll have to ask family. Do you remember any of the Little Golden Books? Which ones did you read or have read to you? I own a half dozen or so of their Western-themed books. One of the books that I like best is The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp by Monica Hill, pictures by Mel Crawford, Simon and Schuster, New York, (c) 1958. It ends in the morally uplifting fashion:

Wow. What an example to set: there are men out in the world prepared and willing to stand up to, and put out of the way, those who want to try to make others live by the false, evil maxim “might makes right.” And maybe you could be one of these good people who protect us from those who would oppress us. Wyatt Earp was a man with moral backbone.

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