Optimal thought and optimal fitness through reason, logic, science, passion, and wisdom.
SAT Words
SAT Words

SAT Words

For those of you preparing to take the SAT — and those of you who will some day; start learning the words now!! — you can find lists of words on the Internet, at such places as FreeVocabulary.com, MajorTests.com (which also has some practice SAT tests by section), SparkNotes.com, and SuperKids.com. Copy. Download. File away. And start learning. The lists would be good for anyone seeking to make his writing better or to expand and refine her conceptual awareness. SAT words: they’re not just for kids. A better way to learn the words (than just “memorizing”) would be to learn them conceptually: identify which words are similar to the one you are learning, then think through how the words are similar and how they are different; think through what category(s) each word belongs to; think through what in the real world would have given rise to the concept; identify examples of each concept/word; identify words which are opposite to the word you are learning. Don’t just cram your head full of “stuff.” Use the words to train your mind to see similarities and differences — i.e., practice basic logical skills while you are learning the words. With training in logic, you’ll be a better thinker, a better writer, a better communicator…and you’ll be a better SAT test-taker: the test requires you to use similarity and difference to pick which is the better word choice for an answer blank, anyway!!

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