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Pythagorean Triples
Pythagorean Triples

Pythagorean Triples

Geometry For Enjoyment and Challenge, by Rhoad, Milauskas and Whipple (publishers McDougal Littell/Houghton Mifflin), has some rules for generating Pythagorean triples (see also Mathworld.Wolfram.com) on p. 403:

Rule of Pythagoras: for n an odd number, the triple will be n, (n^2 – 1)/2, (n^2 + 1)/2;

Rule of Plato: for n an even number, the triple will be n, n^2/4 – 1, n^2/4 + 1;

Rule of Euclid: for m and n both even or both odd, the triple will be (m – n)/2, sqrt(mn), (m + n)/;

Rule of Maseres: for m and n any two integers, the triple will be m^2 – n^2, 2mn, m^2 + n^2.


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