Optimal thought and optimal fitness through reason, logic, science, passion, and wisdom.
Primal Living
Primal Living

Primal Living

On his blog Mark Sisson’s Daily Apple, Mr. Sisson has written some posts worth reading: (1) Definitive Guide: The Primal Blueprint, and (2) The Definitive Guide to the Primal Eating Plan. They give a general overview of the lifestyle: diet, exercise, sleep, play, exercising your mind. Mr. Sisson’s “Primal Blueprint” has a lot in common with Art DeVany’s Evolutionary Fitness. But I have not studied EF or PB enough to see how they differ and why. In “Definitive Guide,” Mr. Sisson says:
My basic premise is this: The Primal Blueprint is a set of simple instructions (the blueprint) that allows you to control how your genes express themselves in order to build the strongest, leanest, healthiest body possible, taking clues from evolutionary biology (that’s the primal part). … The essence of the Primal Blueprint is this: Most of life is really much simpler than modern medicine and science would like to have you believe. You can have a tremendous impact on how your genes express themselves, simply by providing your cells the right environments. All you need is a basic understanding of how your body works and a simple philosophical roadmap you can use to find answers to just about any questions of health and fitness – whether it involves personal choices or lifestyle adjustments or whether medical intervention might be appropriate. With this simple strategy, you will forever be able to examine or evaluate any food choice, any form of exercise or any other behavior in the context of how it impacts your genes! Even if you decide to opt for a “bad choice”, at least you’ll know why it’s bad…

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