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“George Washington” by Gilbert Stuart (1783-1872)
“George Washington” by Gilbert Stuart (1783-1872)

“George Washington” by Gilbert Stuart (1783-1872)

Picture from the Art Renewal Center.

Happy (belated) Birthday, Mr. Washington!!

You can search through the papers of George Washington at the University of Virginia’s The Papers of George Washington Digital Edition. There is a link to the Papers also at Mount Vernon Estate‘s A Brief Overview of George Washington’s Life. There is a short bio of Washington at the White House’s Website.

You can read The Life of George Washington by David Ramsay (and published in 1807; Ramsay knew Washington) at EarlyAmerica.com where they have the full text of George Washington’s Farewell Address. They also have The Autobiograhy of Benjamin Franklin…and many other treasures!!

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