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The Graphing Calculator
The Graphing Calculator

The Graphing Calculator

Mathbits has some good information on how to use the TI-89 and how to use the TI-83/84. Valuable stuff for those taking math or getting ready for the SAT or ACT. Update (1-21-10, 9:32 AM): I highly recommend that you be fluent with a graphing calculator for the tests. The test makers might say that the calculator might help, might not, and might slow you down, but they are talking to a general audience, including people who do not know how to use a calculator, people who are trying to use one they are unfamiliar with, and people who do not know how to use the graphing calculator effectively on the tests. The fact is that the calculator can make some of the questions, even some of the ones rated “hard,” virtually brainless; it makes it possible to get some easy points on the SAT, ACT, TAKS, and AP exams.


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